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Being able to control your emotions account for 85% of what sets outstanding managers apart from the average. (Daniel Coleman, Working with emotional intelligence, 1998)
Are your emotions an asset or a liability?
Introduction " What is emotion?" An emotion is a subjective reaction triggered by an event or the memory of an event, characterised by physical sensations and fed by mental representations. " The emotional process" Emotions are a call for action: Are you in control of our emotions or do they control you? " Function of emotions" Each emotion is an information about the meaning we give to a situation: Are you aware of your emotions and how they affect your communication?
Emotions " How can you assess your emotions?" The four basic emotions are: Joy, Sadness, Anger and Fear. Which one do you feel more often? " How can you use your emotions?" How does reacting to a situation with Joy, Sadness, Anger or Fear help you to act or to react, to orient your action? " How can you manage your emotions?" Managing your emotions effectively involves controlling those unproductive behaviours that aren't getting you anywhere. " How can you access your emotions to get motivated?" Emotion comes from the Latin to move. As human beings we are goal-orientated, and being self-motivated means pursuing our goals with commitment, passion, energy and persistence. How can your emotions support your goals and your motivation to reach them?