BsBA (BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) City University of Washington /Vysoká škola finanční a správní v Praze

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Popis kurzu na míru BsBA (BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION) City University of Washington /Vysoká škola finanční a správní v Praze

Program Description:A four-year bachelor 's degree program majoring in Business Administration is offered in partnership with City University for applicants who hold a high school or GED diploma.

The program consists of 180 credits:
?Lower Division (90 credits)- academic year one and two
?Upper Division (90 credits)- academic year three and four
Instruction is held exclusively in English under the supervision of top international faculty.
City University is accredited in the USA by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges (NASC).The undergraduate and graduate business degree programs are accredited by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE).

Form of Studies:
Combined Studies:
?Flexible format combining weekday classroom instruction with self-study
?The academic year is divided into trimesters with three subjects taught per trimester
?Ten weeks of instruction per trimester
?Each course covers 30 hours of classroom instruction including midterm and final exams
Weekend Studies:
?Nine months of instruction per year with one subject taught per month
?One weekend of in-class instruction per month,i.e.20 contact hours
Fridays 2pm -7:30pm,i.e.6 contact hours
Saturdays 8:30am -4:35pm,i.e.8 contact hours
Sundays 8:30am -2pm,i.e.6 contact hours
?30 hours of self-study per subject

Length of Studies:four years