Oracle HTML DB 2.0: Develop Web Applications

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Popis kurzu na míru Oracle HTML DB 2.0: Develop Web Applications

Co se naučíte

This course is designed to introduce the participants to Oracle HTML DB 1.6. It provides an overview of the architecture. During the course, the student builds an Order-Entry application. And while building this, the course discusses the various steps involved in building a database-centric Web application. The student learns how to quickly build the application. They add reports, forms, items and buttons to the application and include page processing in it. The student is also exposed to workspace administration and security implementation through authorization and authentication schemes. In addition, an appendix is provided that covers the new features in Oracle HTML DB 1.6 with respect to Oracle HTML DB 1.5.

Database Administrators
PL/SQL Developer

Basic knowledge of SQL, PL/SQL, and HTML

Cíle kurzu
Discuss the Oracle HTML DB architecture
Build a database-centric Web application using the Application Builder
Set and clear session states
Import and export data using Data Workshop
Manage database objects using SQL Workshop
Authorize and authenticate users
Administer the Oracle HTML DB Workspace

Témata kurzu

Introducing Oracle HTML DB

Exploring the Components of Oracle HTML DB

Building an Application

Creating Forms and Reports

Adding Pages and Regions

Adding Items and Buttons