Oracle BPEL Process Manager: Services Orchestration

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Popis kurzu na míru Oracle BPEL Process Manager: Services Orchestration

Co se naučíte

In this course, the participants will learn the basic concepts of business process integration and human workflow management using the Oracle BPEL Process Manager product. Participants will learn how to install, configure, and administer Oracle BPEL Process Manager. They will learn how to apply the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) standard for assembling a set of discrete services into an end-to-end process flow. They will also learn how to translate and transform data using the Oracle BPEL Process Manager adapters.

After completing this course, students should be able to:
Build a BPEL process and invoke synchronous and asynchronous business services and include parallel processing and conditional branching
Install Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle BPEL Process Designer
Extend a BPEL Process with Human Workflow Management
Administer BPEL processes using process monitoring and sensor technology
Deploy and run a BPEL process in development and production environments
Incorporate email, fax, pager, and voice notifications within BPEL processes

Business Analysts

Basic knowledge of XML technologies (specifically, XML, XML schemas, XPath, and XSLT)
Basic knowledge of Web service technologies (for example, WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI)
Oracle9iAS: Integration Concepts (eStudy)
Oracle9iAS: Concepts (eStudy)
Oracle 10g: XML Fundamentals

Cíle kurzu
Build a BPEL process and invoke synchronous and asynchronous business services
Include parallel processing and conditional branching in a BPEL process
Add transformation services to BPEL
Access adapter-enabled services
Extend a BPEL process with human workflow management
Install and understand the basic concepts and architecture of Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle BPEL Process Designer
Invoke services through the creation of partner links
Administer Oracle BPEL Process Manager and monitor business processes
Increase process reliability through fault handling and exception management
Invoke a BPEL service through adapters for writing to files and databases
Extend a BPEL Process with Human Workflow Management
Administer BPEL processes using process monitoring and sensor technology
Deploy and run a BPEL process in development and production environments
Incorporate email, fax, pager, and voice notifications within BPEL processes

Témata kurzu

Course Objectives
Lesson Review
Lesson and Practice Discussion
Topology of Practice Progression
Discussion of Use Case

Understanding Basic Concepts and Architecture
Overview of service-oriented architecture (SOA)
Overview of the BPEL Standard
The BPEL Suitcase Manifest
The basic concepts of Oracle BPEL Process Manager
Oracle BPEL Process Manager Implementation Options
Installing Oracle BPEL Process Manager

Building a Simple BPEL Process
Introduction to Oracle BPEL Process Manager Designer
BPEL PM Designer Layout - the Integration Perspective
Workspaces and Projects
Creating a BPEL Process
Adding Activities
XPath Expression Builder
XPath Functions
Deploying the BPEL Process

Orchestrating Services with BPEL
BPEL Process Modeling Support in JDeveloper
Importing XML Schemas and WSDL Locators
Support for Validation, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management
Orchestrate services through BPEL for a Synchronous Service
Orchestrate services through BPEL for an Asynchronous Service
Partner Link Concepts and Use

Enhancing the BPEL Process with Parallel Processing and Conditional Branching
Processing with Parallel Flows
Parallel Branch Execution
Conditional Branching
Forms of Notification

Increasing Process Reliability through Fault Handling and Exception Management
Defining Events
Configuring Timeouts
Handling Faults
Catching Exceptions
Compensation Management

Adding Transformation Services to BPEL
The Transformation Service and Tool
Transformation Packaging
Standard, User, and Extended functions
Map Testing and Analysis
XML Instance Generation
Map Documentation
XSLT Mapping Tool
Auto Mapping

Invoking a BPEL Service through Adapters
Adapter Standards-Based Environment
Selecting an Adapter Service
Configuring the File Adapter
Supported and Bundled Adapters
Adapter Framework
Oracle Applications Adapter
OEM Adapters
Optimized Bindings (WSIF, JCA)

Accessing Adapter-Enabled Services from BPEL
Invoking the File Adapter as a Service from BPEL
Invoking a Database Adapter as a Service from BPEL
Adding Database Exception Handling
Adding a While Activity
Adding an Exception Branch for the Scope Activity
Adding a Wait Activity

Extending a BPEL Process with Human Workflow Management
Human Workflow Services Architecture
Modeling Workflows
Human Workflow Patterns
Human Workflow Services: Identity Service
Human Workflow Services: Task Details
Human Workflow Services: Notification Services
Human Workflow Services: Work List Features

Administering Processes using Process Monitoring and Sensor Technology
Describing the Consoles
Exploring the BPEL Console
Managing the BPEL Domain
Viewing the Oracle BPEL Process Manager Administration Server
Platform Administration
Interfacing with BAM
Adding a Notification to a Process
Selecting a Notification Channel

Advanced Features and Interfaces for Oracle BPEL Process Manager
Invocation Methods (Java Client, UI, Adapter, BPEL Service, JSP Page)
BPEL Process Preferences
Obtaining the Value of a Preference
Updating a Preference Value at Runtime
WS Addressing and Correlation
Java Delegate Service
WSIF Java and HTTP Bindings
Options to Invoke Java as a Service or as Inline Code