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Co se naučíte This class is applicable to Oracle9i and Oracle Database 10g users. This course introduces students to the basics of XML. The students learn how to create an XML document and format it using XML Stylesheet Language for transformations (XSL). The students validate XML documents using Document Type Definition (DTD) and XML Schema. The course discusses XPath expressions and how to use XPath expressions in XSL to select parts of an XML document to be transformed. XML Namespaces are used to apply uniqueness to elements, and parsing XML documents is done using Document Object Model (DOM). The Simple API for XML (SAX) is also discussed as a technique to parse XML documents. In addition, the students are introduced to the support for XML offered in various Oracle products, such as, the Oracle Database, Oracle XML DB, Oracle XML Developer's Kit, Oracle JDeveloper, and Oracle XSQL pages. The students learn how to format, query, validate, and store their XML documents using Oracle products.
Cíle kurzu Identify and use basic XML technologies, terms and components Create a well formed XML document Validate XML documents using a Document Type Definition and an XML Schema Specify XPath expressions to transform selected parts of an XML document Transform XML documents using XSLT Store and Retrieve XML in an Oracle 10g Database Generate XML using Oracle XSQL pages and Oracle SQL/XML functions Create XML views
Témata kurzu
Introduction Discuss the Goals of the Course Describe the Course Environment and Data Describe an XML document Edit an XML Document View an XML Document in a Browser Explain the XML Standards covered in this course List Oracle Product Support for XML
Introducing the XML Document Describe the XML Document structure List the components of an XML document Create an XML document Create well-formed XML documents Checking XML Document Syntax
Validating XML with a Document Type Definition (DTD) Describe and Read a DTD Using an external and an internal DTD Validating XML documents using a DTD
Using XML Namespaces Describe the need for XML Namespaces Describe the syntax for XML Namespaces Apply XML Namespaces to elements and attributes
Validating XML using XML Schema Create an XML Schema Declare XML Schema data types Validating XML documents with an XML Schema Compare XML Schema with a DTD
Navigating XML Documents using XPath Describe XPath Use XPath expressions Use XPath functions Describe location path
Transforming XML using XSL Transformations (XSLT) Describe XSL and XSL Transformations (XSLT) Transform an XML document using XSLT Use Common Elements of XSLT Create XSLT Templates Sort and Filter an XML Document Describe Recursion Using Simple XSL Formatting Objects (XSL:FO)
XSQL Pages Publishing Framework Describe the Oracle XSQL Pages Framework Create XSQL Pages Use XSQL Pages
Advanced XSQL Pages Using Cursors in XSQL Pages Employ XSQL pages for session variable Employ XSQL pages for cookies Performing DML operations using XSQL Pages Inserting data from an XML Document
Introducing Oracle 10g XML Database (XML DB) Describe Oracle XML DB Describe XMLType Describe XML Schema support Describe XML Repository Describe Internet Protocol support Describe Versioning
Generating XML from an Oracle 10g Database Describe SQL/XML (SQLX) Using SQL/XML Functions in SQL Generating XML using Native Oracle SQL Functions
Managing XML Data in an Oracle10g Database Describe XMLType Create objects of XMLType Describe storage options Load data into XMLType Retrieve data from XMLType columns Using XMLType methods Using XPath functions on XMLType data
Creating XMLType Views Creating Non-Schema-Based XMLType views Creating XML Schema-Based XMLType views Creating XMLType Views from XMLType Tables Performing DML on XMLType Views
Executing SQL operations on XML Transform XML using SQL Perform DML on XML Using UpdateXML() Function Deleting Using the existNode() Function Creating Indexes on XMLType columns
Accessing XML through URLs Using the DBUri Servlet to obtain database data in XML format Using the DBUri Servlet to obtain a row or column of data in XML format