11i Oracle Receivables Fundamentals

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Popis kurzu na míru 11i Oracle Receivables Fundamentals

In this course, participants learn how to use Oracle Receivables to manage the accounts receivable process. There are hands-on exercises, through which the participants learn how to manage customers, process invoices and manage collections and submit reports.

Finally, the students learn how to close accounts receivable periods and transfer accounting details to the general ledger.

Describe the overall order to cash process from Order Entry through Bank Reconciliation
Describe Bank Reconciliation and Understand Cash Forecasting
Discuss the key areas in the Order to Cash Life Cycle
Define the features enabling you to enter and maintain party and customer account
Describe the overall Receivables Process and explain where the Receivables processing is positioned within the Order to Cash Life Cycle
Describe the way processing invoices fits into the Receivables process and describe the Receipt Process
Overview of the Tax Accounting Process, Define General Tax Setup Steps, Enter Tax Adjustments, Explain Tax Reporting Ledger
Define the various actions required to close a period in the Order to Cash eBusiness flow
Explain the integration of Cash Management in the Order to Cash eBusiness flow


Overview of Oracle Receivables Process
Order to Cash Lifecycle
Overview of Receivables Process
Overview of the Transaction Process
Overview of Other Invoice Operations
Overview of Adjustments
Overview of the AutoInvoice Process
Overview of the Receipts and Remittances
Overview of Collections and Tax

Manage Parties and Customers Accounts
Party Model Overview
Profile Classes
Multiple Sites and Business Purposes: Centralized and Decentralized Example
Data Quality Management
Dun & Bradstreet Integration
Merge Parties or Customer Accounts
Required Setup Steps for Customers

Order to Cash Lifecycle Overview
Order to Cash Lifecycle Overview
Over of Application Integration
Customer Entry Methods
Order Management Process
Pricing Process
Shipping Process
AutoInvoice Process
Receivables Process

Process Invoices
Oracle Receivables Overview
Transaction Overview
Invoice Entry Methods
Entering Sales Credits
Creating Invoice Batches
Creating Debit Memos and Creating Adjustments
Voiding Transactions
Reports and Printing Transactions

Process Invoices Using AutoInvoice
AutoInvoice Process and Integration
Defining Transaction Batch Sources
Defining Transaction Flexfields
Determining Tax Liability
Managing AutoInvoice System Options
Correct Errors Overview
AutoInvoice Exception Handling Windows

Implement Customer Invoicing
Required Setup Steps for Transactions
Auto Accounting
Payment Terms
Remit-to Addresses
Accounting Rules
Setting Up Document Sequencing
Setting Up Gapless Transaction Numbering
Consolidated Billing Invoices

Manual Receipts
Overview of Receipts
Creating Batches
Applying Receipts to an Invoice
Criteria for Mass Applying Receipts
Applying Cross Currency Receipts
Entering Discounts

Implement Receipts
Overview of Receipt Setup
Types of Receivables Activities
Receipt Class, Payment Method and Bank Account Relationship
Defining Bank Accounts
Defining Receipt Classes
System Options for Accounting
Profile Options
Functional Security

Tax Accounting Process
Order Management Global Taxes Overview
Receivables Global Tax Overview
Value Added Tax Overview
US Sales Tax Overview
Tax Partner Process Overview
Other Taxes in Oracle Applications
Tax Setup Steps
Defining Tax Preferences, Defaults and Rules

Period Close Process
Period Closing Process
Overview of Ordering to Period Closing
Standard Reports
Reconciling Inventory Transactions
Running Revenue Recognition
Transferring to the General Ledger
Running the Journal Import Program
Mapping Receivables Transactions to General Ledger Categories