OracleAS 10g R3: Build J2EE Applications II

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Popis kurzu na míru OracleAS 10g R3: Build J2EE Applications II

Popis kurzu
This course teaches students how to design, develop, and deploy enterprise Java applications for Oracle Application Server 10g R3 using EJB 3.0 components.

Students learn to use session beans, message-driven beans, and entities as they create a secure database-backed application in practical hands-on labs. Students also learn to implement application security, handle transactions, and schedule execution of recurring application tasks using standards-based technologies.

Application Developers
J2EE Developer
Java Developer
Project Manager
SOA Architect
Sales Consultants
Technical Consultant

Familiarity with Java Programming Language
Basic knowledge of JavaServer Faces

Cíle kurzu
Build J2EE Applications Using EJB 3.0 Components
Describe EJB Types and EJB 3.0 Annotations
Design J2EE Applications Using a Model View Controller (MVC) Approach
Create and Use Managed Data Sources
Create EJB Entities
Create Stateless and Stateful Session Beans
Use JNDI and Dependency Injection to Access EJBs and Resources
Use the Entity Manager API
Write EJB QL Statements
Communicate with Message-Driven Beans
Implement Container- and Bean-Managed Transactions
Schedule One-Time and Recurring Application Tasks
Configure Web-tier and EJB-tier Application Security
Deploy J2EE Applications to Development and Production Environments
Develop EJB 3.0 components
Work with application data sources
Implement web and business tier application security
Integrate backend components with a JavaServer Faces user interface
Deploy applications to development and production environments

Témata kurzu

Course Objectives
Review of J2EE Architecture
Set Up the Server Environment
Set Up the Development Environment

Designing J2EE Applications
Using a Model View Controller (MVC) Design Approach
Implementing a Session Facade Pattern
Describing EJB Types and EJB 3.0 Annotations
Explaining the Role of JMX, JCA, and JAAS

Configuring Data Sources
Choosing a JDBC Driver
Creating a Connection Pool
Creating a Managed Data Source
Testing the Managed Data Source in Application Server Control

Creating EJB Entities
Creating EJB 3.0 Entities
Selecting a Primary Key Field
Performing O-R Mapping with Annotations
Mapping Relationships Between Entities

Creating Stateless and Stateful Session Beans
What is a Session Bean?
Creating Stateless and Stateful Session Beans using Annotations
Understanding Passivation and Activation of Stateful Session Beans
Using Interceptor Methods and Classes

Accessing Resources with JNDI and Dependency Injection
Describing the Java Naming and Directory Interface
Locating Resources and EJBs using JNDI and Dependency Injection
Working with JNDI Enhancements in OC4J

Manipulating and Querying with the Entity Manager API
What is Entity Manager?
Looking Up an Entity Manager Reference Using JNDI
Using the Entity Manager API to Manage Entities
Executing Dynamic Queries Using the Query API
Writing Simple EJB QL Queries

Writing EJB Query Language Statements
Writing Unconditional EJB QL Statements
Writing Conditional EJB QL Statements
Writing EJB QL Queries That Traverse Entity Relationships
Writing EJB QL in Named Query Annotations
Using the Query API to Execute Dynamic EJB QL Statements

Communicating with Message-Driven Beans
Features of a Messaging System
Java Message System (JMS) Architecture
Configuring a JMS Service
Creating a Message-Driven Bean
Creating a JMS/MDB Client

Managing Transactions with Session and Message-Driven Beans
Choosing the Appropriate Type of Transaction Management
Setting the Transaction Attribute for Container-Managed Transactions
Creating Transaction Demarcations
Configuring the OC4J Transaction Manager

Scheduling Tasks and Jobs for J2EE Applications
Why EJB Timers?
Developing EJB Timers
Comparing the EJB-Specification Timer-Service and the OC4J EJB Timer-Service
Overview of the Oracle Application Server Job Scheduler

Securing J2EE Applications with JAAS
Overview of J2EE Security Architecture
Java Authentication and Authorization Service
Configuring Web-tier Application Security
Configuring EJB Application Security

Deploying J2EE Applications
Planning Deployment
Packaging Business-Tier Components
JSR-88 Deployment Plans
Creating and Managing Deployment Plans