Oracle Database 10g: New Features for Administrators
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Popis kurzu na míru Oracle Database 10g: New Features for Administrators
Tento kurz seznamuje účastníky s novými vlastnostmi databázového serveru Oracle Database 10g z pohledu správce databáze. Jsou vybrána zejména témata týkající se zlepšení dostupnosti databáze, zjednodušení správy databázových komponent a nových postupů při monitorování a ladění databáze. Posluchači se seznámí s možnostmi zjednodušené správy databáze s použitím podpůrných nástrojů, které se staly součástí databázového serveru. Rámcově budou probrány změny týkající se vývoje a ladění aplikací. Veškerou probíranou látku si posluchači průběžně ověřují pomocí připravených cvičení.
Předpoklady Administration experience with Oracle9i Database
Cíle kurzu Increase data availability through Oracle Database 10g features that offer improved point in time recovery Utilize database advisors to provide proactive database monitoring Implement improved manageability features to simplify database management Assist developers using Oracle Database 10g features in their applications
Témata kurzu
Introduction How DBAs Spend Their Time Oracle Database 10g Manageability Goals Oracle Database 10g Solution: Self-Managing Database Grid Computing Oracle Database 10g: The Database for the Grid
Installation Installation Performance Enhancements Installation New Feature Support Automatic pre & post install validations CD pack contents
Server Configuration Database Features Usage Tracking Automatic Enterprise Manager Configuration Simplified Initialization Parameters Simplified Database Install
Load and Unload Data Cross-platform Transportable Tablespaces External Tables Unload DataPump Export and Import Utilities
Application Management and Availability SQL Access Advisor SQL Tuning Advisor New performance overview charts in EM Rule-based optimization (RBO) obsolescence
SQL Support for Analytical Applications MERGE Command Enhancements Partitioned Outer Join Integrating Interrow Calculations in SQL Summary Management Enhancements
System Resource Management Setting Idle Timeouts Switching Back to the Initial Consumer Group at End of Call Database Resource Manager - Adaptive Consumer Group Mapping Monitoring the Resource Manager
The Scheduler Core Scheduler Features Privileges for Scheduler Components Calendaring Expressions Advanced Scheduler Concepts
Space Management Segment Advisor New Segment Resource Estimation Online Segment Shrink Proactive Tablespace Management Undo Advisor Sorted Hash Clusters
Improved VLDB Support Bigfile Tablespace Enhanced Partition Management in Enterprise Manager Global Partitioned Indexes - Hash Partitioning Local Partitioned Indexes Manageability Improvements Temporary tablespace groups
RMAN Enhancements Flash Backup and Recovery Backup Compression Drop Database Automatic Channel Failover for Backup & Restore Incrementally Updated Backups Simplified Recovery Through Resetlogs
Flashback Any Error Flashback Database Flashback Table Flashback Versions Query Flashback Transaction Query Flashback Drop
General Storage Management Rename Tablespace Redo Logfile Sizing Advisor SYSAUX Tablespace Copying Files using the Database Server
Automatic Storage Management Data mirroring with ASM ASM Dynamic Rebalancing ASM Striping ASM General Architecture ASM Disk Groups Failure Groups
Maintain Software Oracle Database 10g Upgrade Paths Easy Upgrade (key DBUA features / one script upgrade) Upgrade Information Tools (pre/post)
Miscellaneous New Features Transaction Monitoring End-to-End Tracing Logminer Enhancements Resumable Space Allocation Enhancements Regular Expression functions Resumable Space Allocation Enhancements