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Popis kurzu na míru Oracle Database 10g: Administration Workshop I
V databázi Oracle jsou zpravidla uložena nejdůležitější podniková data, jejichž patřičné zabezpečení vyžaduje správu na vysoké profesionální úrovni. V tomto kurzu získají administrátoři základní přehled o architektuře databázového serveru, o funkcích jednotlivých komponent, jak odpovídající software nainstalovat a jak provádět základní údržbu. Posluchači se naučí vytvořit databázi, správně nastavit parametry pro ukládání dat, monitorovat výkonnost databáze, založit uživatelská konta, přidělit oprávnění uživatelům, databázi zazálohovat a v případě potřeby obnovit. Veškerou probíranou látku si posluchači průběžně ověřují pomocí připravených cvičení. Kurz je základem pro přípravu na zkoušku pro získání titulu Oracle Certified Professional. Cíle kurzu Install and configure the Oracle Database 10g Monitor, troubleshoot, and maintain the Oracle Database 10g Configure Oracle Net services for the Oracle Database 10g Backup and Recovery of the Oracle Database 10g Create and administer user accounts in the Oracle Database 10g
Témata kurzu
Introduction Explain the course objectives Identify the Oracle product line Describe the basic concepts of a relational database Know core database administrator tasks
Installing Oracle Database 10g Software Identify system requirements Use optimal flexible architecture Install software with the Oracle Universal Installer
Create an Oracle Database Describe Oracle Database Architecture Understand the instance architecture Use the management framework Use the Database Creation Assistant
Database interfaces Use structured query language (SQL) Use Procedural Language/Structured Query Language (PL/SQL) Use Java Use the Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI)
Controlling the database Start and stop the agent Start and stop the enterprise manager database console Start and stop the listener Startup and shutdown the database
Storage Structures Define the purpose of tablespaces and data files Create tablespaces Manage tablespaces Obtain tablespace information Create and manage tablespaces using Oracle Managed Files (OMF)
Administering users Create and manage database user accounts Create and manage roles Grant and revoke privileges Control resource usage by users
Managing Schema Objects Create and modify tables Define constraints View the attributes of a table View the contents of a table Create indexes and views
Managing Data Manipulating data through SQL Using Import Using Export Using SQL Loader
PL/SQL Identify PL/SQL objects Understand triggers and triggering events Idenfity configuration options that affect PL/SQL performance
Oracle Database Security Apply the principal of least privilege Manage default user accounts Implement standard password security features Audit database activity
Oracle Net Services Understand Oracle Net concepts Use Oracle Net Manager to create and configure listeners Use the listener control utility to control the Oracle Net Listener Use the Oracle Net Manager to configure client and middle-tier connection Use TNSPING to test Oracle Net connectivity
Oracle Shared Server Understand when to use Oracle Shared Servers Configure Oracle Shared Servers Monitoring Shared Servers
Performance Monitoring Troubleshoot invalid and unusable objects Gather optimizer statistics View performance metrics React to performance issues
Proactive Maintenance: Objectives Set warning and critical alert thresholds Collect and use baseline metrics Use tuning and diagnostic advisors Use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) Manage the Automatic Workload Repository
Undo Management Monitor and administer undo Configure undo retention Guarantee undo retention Use the undo advisor
Monitoring and Resolving Lock Conflicts Detect and resolve lock conflicts Manage deadlocks
Backup and Recovery Concepts Describe the basics of database backup, restore and recovery List the types of failure that may occur in an Oracle Database Describe ways to tune instance recovery Identify the importance of checkpoints, redo log files, and archived log file Configure ARCHIVELOG mode
Database backups Create consistent database backups Back your database up without shutting it down Create incremental backups Automate database backups Monitor the flash recovery area
Database Recovery Recover from loss of a control file Recover from loss of a redo log file Recover from loss of a data file