Oracle Database 10g: 2 Day DBA

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Popis kurzu na míru Oracle Database 10g: 2 Day DBA

Cílem kurzu je ukázat posluchačům, jak snadno a rychle zvládnout instalaci a základy administrace Oracle Database 10g. Malé nebo střední podniky mohou nyní využít bohatou nabídku možností automatické správy a ladění Oracle Database 10g, aniž by ztráceli čas studiem jejich interních struktur. Základním nástrojem pro správu databáze se stává grafický Enterprise Manager.

Database Administrators

Cíle kurzu
Manage schema objects
Monitor the database and use the Advisors
Use Enterprise Manager Database Control to manage the database
Administer users and security
Manage database storage structures
Configure and manage the Oracle Network environment
Back up and recover the Oracle Database
Install Oracle Database software and create a database

Témata kurzu

Overview of Oracle Database Administration
Overview of the Oracle Instance and Database
Tasks of an Oracle Database Administrator
Tools Used to Administer an Oracle Database
Working with Oracle Support
Searching MetaLink
Logging TARs

Installing Oracle Software and Creating the Database
Using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
Installation Pre-requisites
Installing the Oracle Software
Using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to Create a Database
Using DBCA to Manage Templates
Upgrading the Database Using the Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA)
Install the Oracle Software Using OUI
Use the DBCA to Create a Database

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control and SQL*Plus
Overview of Administering the Database Using Enterprise Manager (EM)
Starting the EM Database Console
Enterprise Manager Navigation
Granting EM Administrative Privileges
Start the EM Database Console
Navigate in EM
Grant EM Administrative Privileges to Another User

Configuring the Oracle Network Environment
Network Configuration Overview
Oracle Net Listener Configuration and Management
Oracle Net Naming Methods
Tools for Configuring and Managing the Oracle Network
Using EM to Configure and Manage the Oracle Network
Start and Stop the Listener
Configure Local Naming
Connect to the Database

Managing the Oracle Instance
Oracle Instance and Instance Management
Memory Structures
Background Processes
Accessing the Oracle Database
Initialization Parameters
Password File
Starting Up and Shutting Down the Instance
Viewing the Alert Log and Trace Files

Managing Database Storage Structures
Oracle Database Structures
Control Files
Multiplexing and Archiving the Redo Log Files
Tablespaces and Data Files
Creating a New Tablespace
Managing Undo in the Database
Using the Undo Advisor
Use EM to View the Storage Structure of the Database

Administering Users and Security
Overview of Users and Security
Creating and Administering Users
Locking and Unlocking Accounts
Setting Passwords
Administering Privileges and Roles
Create a New User
Grant Privileges to the User
Lock and Unlock the User Account

Managing Schema Objects
Creating Schema Objects
Create a New Table and View the Attributes and Contents of a Table
Understanding Data Integrity and Defining Constraints
Creating and Viewing Attributes of Indexes
Creating Views
Loading Data
Export and Import
External Tables

Performing Backup and Recovery
Backup, Restore and Recovery Concepts
Configuring the Database for Backup and Recovery and Setting Backup Policies
Configure the ARCHIVELOG Mode and Automatic Archiving
Configure the Flash Recovery Area
Retention Policy
Backing Up the Database Using EM
Oracle-Suggested Backup Strategy
Perform a Whole Database Backup and Recovery

Monitoring and Tuning the Database
Monitoring the Oracle Database
Self-Monitoring Architecture
Automatic Workload Repository
Metrics, Thresholds, and Alerts
Automatic Database Diagnostics Monitor (ADDM)
Monitoring and Tuning Usage Model
Setting Up Notification Rules
Using the Advisors