Oracle9i Database: Administration Fundamentals I

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Popis kurzu na míru Oracle9i Database: Administration Fundamentals I

Během tohoto kurzu se účastníci seznámí s architekturou systému a se základními úkoly správce databáze, naučí se jak vytvořit databázi v prostředí Oracle9i, jak spravovat data, zvětšovat velikost databáze, měnit její logickou a fyzickou strukturu, jak spravovat uživatelská konta v databázi a jak implementovat základní měřítka bezpečnosti a integrity dat. Kurz obsahuje také informace o implementaci podpory národního prostředí v databázi Oracle.

Vedle výkladu a praktických cvičení je pozornost zaměřena též na zodpovězení častých dotazů, přijatých od zákazníků odděleními technické podpory na celém světě a týkajících se administrace databáze.

Kurz je podstatnou součástí přípravy na získání mezinárodního certifikátu Oracle DBA Profesional.

Database Administrators

Oracle 9i: SQL

Cíle kurzu
Create an operational database
Manage Oracle database files
Manage users, privileges, and resources
Start up and shut down an Oracle instance and database
Use Globalization Support features
Manage tablespaces, segments, extents, and blocks

Témata kurzu

Oracle Architectural Components
Defining an Oracle Database, the Oracle server, and the Oracle Instance
Establishing a connection and creating a session
Understanding the physical structure
Understanding the memory structure
Understanding the process structure
Understanding the logical structure
Outlining the stages of an SQL statement

Getting Started with the Oracle Server
Identifying database administrative tools

Identifying database administrative users
Understanding operating system and password file authentication
Enterprise Manager

Managing an Oracle Instance
Creating, managing, and using initialization files: PFILE and SPFILE
Identifying the various states of starting an instance
Identifying the various options available to shutdown an instance
Monitoring Alert and Trace files

Creating a Database
Using the Database Configuration Assistant to create a database
Creating a database manually

Using the Data Dictionary
Identifying the uses and contents of the data dictionary
Using the data dictionary to retrieve information about the database

Maintaining the Control File
Explaining the uses of the control file
Listing the contents of the control file
Multiplexing the control file
Managing control file with Oracle Managed Files (OMF)
Obtaining control file information

Maintaining Redo Log Files
Explaining the purpose of and how online redo log files work
Control log switches and checkpoints
Maintaining online redo log files
Managing online redo log files using OMF
Multiplexing and maintaining online redo log files
Archiving online redo log files
Obtaining online and archived redo log file information

Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles

Establishing the difference between SYSTEM and Non-SYSTEM tablespaces
Creating and managing tablespaces
Creating a tablespace when using OMF
Obtaining tablespace and datafile information

Storage Structures and Relationships
Describing the logical structure of the database (segments, extents, blocks)
Listing the segment types and their uses
Understanding the use of extents and their allocation and deallocation
Understanding the structure of a database block
Maintaining storage structures with automatic segment - space management
Maintaining storage structures manually
Obtaining storage structure information

Managing Undo Data

Creating and maintaining UNDO tablespaces
Obtaining undo information

Managing Tables
Creating and maintaining tables using appropriate storage settings
Obtaining table information

Managing Indexes
Listing the different types of indexes and their uses
Creating b-tree and bitmap indexes
Maintaining Indexes

Identifying unused indexes
Obtaining index Information