OracleAS 10g R3: Java Programming

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Popis kurzu na míru OracleAS 10g R3: Java Programming

Co se naučíte

This course teaches the concepts and essential elements of the Java language. While learning Java, you will build applications using standard Java technologies. The development environment used for this course is Oracle JDeveloper 10g. In addition to coding in Java, you will learn how to use the graphical development capabilities of JDeveloper to aid application development.

Java Developer
J2EE Developer

Experience using a structured 3GL, such as C or Pascal
Basic knowledge of Object Oriented principles

Cíle kurzu
Write standalone applications with the Java programming language
Build, generate, and test application components using Oracle JDeveloper 10g
Access database records using JDBC

Témata kurzu

Introducing the Java and Oracle Platforms
What is Java?
Benefits of the Java Programming and Runtime environment
Object Oriented approach
Architecture Neutral deployment
Java and Internet computing
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Oracle10g, OracleAS10g and Java

Defining Object Oriented Principles
Overview of classes, objects and methods
Communication between objects
Describe Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Aggregation and Polymorphism
Private and public private keywords and encapsulation
Compare and Contrast Sub-classes and Class members
Examine the course application class model

Basic Java Syntax and Coding Conventions
Java Keywords
Java file structure (package, import, class)
Specifying Methods
Code Blocks
Java compiler

Exploring Primitive Data Types and Operators
Primitive data types
Declaring and initializing variables
Variable naming rules and conventions
Character literals and Unicode escape sequences
Boolean & Primitive variables
Assignment operators
Compound assignment operators
String object literals and the Concatenation Operator

Controlling Program Flow
Decisions: if, switch, conditional operator
Repetition: while, do-while, for
Break and continue
Enumerators and iterators
Labeled break and continue

Building Java Using Oracle JDeveloper
JDeveloper components
Workspaces and using the Project Wizard
Creating an Application
Building and running the application
Navigating in the Structure pane
Syntax highlighting and parameter matching
Modifying environment options

Creating Classes and Objects
Defining instance variables and instance methods
Creating objects using new and the default Constructor
Primitive variables vs. object references
Encapsulation using public and private access modifiers
Examples of class methods in the Java Library

Class Loading, Object Life Cycle and Inner Classes
Instance variables and instance methods: a review
Method overloading
Initializing instance variables using initializers
Initializing instance variables using constructors
Overloaded constructors
Defining Inner and Anonymous Classes
The finalize method

Using Strings, StringBuffer, Wrapper and formatting Classes
The Java String class
String conversion and comparison
Overview of the wrapper classes
Conversions to and from primitive types using the wrapper classes
DataFormat, DecimalFormat, and MessageFormat classes
Standard OutputStreams and PrintStreams
Writing and Reading Streams
Object Serialization

Reusing Code with Inheritance and Polymorphism
Subclassing and inheritance: the concepts
Inheritance hierarchies
Constructors and inheritance
Overriding superclass methods
Calling superclass methods
Using the instanceof operator
Class casting
Protected variables and methods

Using Arrays and Collections
Construct an array of primitives
Construct an array of object references
Process command line arguments
Handle command line parameters in a Java application
Using Vectors
HashTables and Properties
Reading command line and system, properties
Manually synchronizing ArrayLists and HashMaps

Structuring Code Using Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Abstract classes: the concepts and the syntax
Abstract methods
Defining and implementing interfaces
Polymorphism with abstract classes
Using interfaces to avoid multiple inheritance
Polymorphism with interfaces

Throwing and Catching Exceptions
What is an exception?
Throwable classes
Catching exceptions using try and catch
Ensuring code is executed using a finally block
Declared exceptions

User Interface Design: Planning a Form Layout
Brief History and comparison of AWT and Swing
Swing containers
Container Hierarchy to control component groups and layout
Adding a JButton and JTextfield components into a container
Building a GUI framework manually (practice w/o JDeveloper)
Using JDeveloper to build the GUI framework
The Swing container toolbar

Adding User Interface Components and Event Handling
Standard Swing components
Pluggable Look and Feel, and UIManager basics
The Java event model
Adding event handlers using Oracle JDeveloper
Model View Controller principles using a List component
Using JOptionPane for informational and error messages

Accessing the Database with JDBC
Java in the Database, the OracleJVM
Steps for using JDBC to execute a SQL statement
Registering the driver
Getting a database connection
Executing a SQL statement
Handling exceptions
Managing transactions

Deploying Applications Using Java Web Start
Architecture overview
Create a Web Start profile
Integrate business component
Deploy archive
Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP)
Java Web Start with JClient
Files added to projects for Web Start