Blockchain Solution Architecture Bootcamp

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Popis kurzu na míru Blockchain Solution Architecture Bootcamp

Basic Information

This training is designed to help both developers and non-developers understand the entire blockchain system so they can make informed decisions throughout blockchain projects. The Certified Blockchain Solution Architecture exam is included with class.

Target Audience

  • You are new to blockchain technology and want to understand basic concepts of blockchain and what materials to study for a Blockchain certification.
  • Anyone who has interest in Blockchain technology and would be interested in obtaining the Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA) Certification
  • You need an introduction to the objectives of the Certified Blockchain Solutions Architect (CBSA) exam in a concise format that provides study materials
  • You are an aspiring blockchain architect that would like to validate your knowledge with the industry leading blockchain architecture certification
  • You need to understand the use cases for blockchain and resources to help get started in the blockchain space.

What will you learn

  • What is Blockchain
  • How does Blockchain work
  • Types of Blockchains
  • How is Blockchain different from what we have today
  • What are use cases for Blockchain
  • What does a Blockchain app look like
  • How do I design a Blockchain app
  • How do I develop a Blockchain app
  • How do I test a Blockchain app

Video doplňující kurz na míru Blockchain Solution Architecture Bootcamp

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