Školení Junos Security (JSEC) je pořádáné ve spolupráci s naším zahraničním partnerem Fast Lane a je standardně vedeno v anglickém jazyce formou FLEX výuky. V případě požadavku na firemní školení pro větší skupinu posluchačů je možné zajistit standardní Instructor-Led Classroom výuku. This one-day classroom based course provides students with foundational routing knowledge and configuration examples, and includes an overview of general routing concepts, routing policy, and firewall filters. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the Junos OS and monitoring basic device operations. This course uses Juniper Networks SRX Series Services Gateways for the hands-on component, but the lab environment does not preclude the course from being applicable to other Juniper hardware platforms running the Junos OS. Chapter 1: Course Introduction Chapter 2: Routing Fundamentals Chapter 3: Routing Policy Chapter 4: Firewall Filters Appendix A: Class of Service
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