As an HR Professional the majority of your time is spent in confidential situations. HR roundtables and workshops offer the HR professional an opportunity to explore a variety of specific topics common to each of us and learn the many ways each of us experience and handle these issues in our unique roles in the workforce.
Examples of topics of HR rundtables and workshops:
„Management Development – Coaching, Managing and Mentoring”
Are your managers using all the tools necessary to strengthen and maximize their staffs?
“Aligning Training to Business Results”
This Skill-shop is about developing training and training plans that reflect company goals and objectives while aligning staff skill-sets to your current business outcomes. Learn what to look for and how to build training or training plans that meet the defined needs.
“Hire talent or build it?”
These are the two points of view prevalent in he larger employment picture. Which do you use and why? How successful is your plan and what might make it better?
„The Development Plan“
Do your employees have development plans? Or, have you been thinking about starting a development program? Come together with other HR professionals and explore effective ways to use this important tool for staff and company success.
This was ‘the rage’ in the 90’s and now it is being re-evaluated. Do you outsource HR services? Are you thinking about it? Or have you outsourced in the past but are pulling the service back in-house? Let’s talk about it. Bring your thoughts or questions to the discussion.
„Succession Planning“
How real is this? Younger managers are moving around more, changing companies and seeking opportunities; older managers are hanging-on maybe past effectiveness and blocking progress for staff development.
The workshops can be also customized to the specific needs of the participants.
Workshops are highly practical and interactive in nature and are led by our highly experienced in-house trainers specializing in Leadership skills.Participants will be asked for their expectations and training goals in advance.