BUSINESS ETIQUETTE AND PROTOCOL - training in english with ex-secretary of president

Popis kurzu na míru BUSINESS ETIQUETTE AND PROTOCOL - training in english with ex-secretary of president

Proposed training structure (subject to precision according to client´s requirements):

  1. Purpose of etiquette and protocol rules in social and private life, what is etiquette and protocol and who can be a VIP
  2. Addressing, using titles, making introductions
  3. Government and political etiquette in the Czech Republic and abroad
  4. Business cards, rules for their use
  5. Social events, dress code, State and official social events and their specifics
  6. Etiquette of dining
  7. Invitations and invitation cards
  8. Gifts and their presentation
  9. Most frequent faux-pas and “social crisis management“

Personal ex-secretary of president Václav Havel, who worked as the Protokol Officer of thë Office of the President of the Czech Republic.

Term on demand.

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