Presentation Skills in English - A Hands-on Workshop for Developing Essential Presentation Skills, Language and Techniques.
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Popis kurzu na míru Presentation Skills in English - A Hands-on Workshop for Developing Essential Presentation Skills, Language and Techniques.
This workshop will be customized to meet the specific needs of participants using authentic student work material. It is led by our highly experienced in-house trainer who specializes in Presentation and Public Relations skills. This workshop is very practical and interactive in nature. Participants will be asked to prepare one or more short presentations in advance.
Workshop content:
Setting Goals and Objective
Identifying the Right Communication Strategy for your Audience
Building Confidence
Organizing Your Information
Strong Openings
Providing a Roadmap for Your Audience
Using Visuals
Getting and Keeping Attention
Connecting with the Audience
Powerful Language and Techniques to Keep Interest High