Customer Service Skills - The Ten Keys to Extraordinary Customer Service

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Popis kurzu na míru Customer Service Skills - The Ten Keys to Extraordinary Customer Service

Satisfying customers is the foundation of business success. This interactive, skills-based workshop will give customer service professionals the tools, techniques and language to develop loyal customers for their organizations. The workshop will include discussion, case studies and lots of opportunities to practice effective ways to respond to challenging customer service issues.

What can help you provide your customers or clients with exceptional service?

Course content:

·    Identify what customers really want
·    Avoid the common mistakes that lead to disappointing service
·    Build stronger customer relationships
·    Use proven strategies and language skills to turn angry customers into repeat customers

The workshop can be also customized to meet the specific needs of employees in your company who work in customer service departments or are in charge of  client care. The workshop is led by our highly experienced in-house trainer who is a specialist in Customer Service. It is highly practical and interactive in nature. Participants will be asked for their expectations and training goals in advance.