Business intelligence and Analytics (BI) is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions. BI applications include the activities of decision support, query and reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical analysis, forecasting, network analysis, and data mining.
There are two major forces driving the interest and growth in Business Intelligence: an explosion in the amount and variety of data being generated on the internet, and the emergence of social media technologies. Data is becoming strategically critical to enterprises of any size and type. Fueled by new web technologies, companies such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN are routinely generating what is known as BIG DATA i.e. upwards of 20 Petabytes of data each day – a petabyte is one million gigabytes or approximately 6 billion digital photos or 20 million four-drawer filing cabinets filled with text. Emerging Social Media sites and technologies such as Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, GroupOn, Flickr, Pinterest, and Foursquare are further causing an explosion in data.
In today’s world it is not enough for companies to track their sales, marketing, financial, and other internally generated data. They need to combine their internal data with external sources of data such as blogs and reviews about their products, Twitter and Facebook comments, as well as YouTube videos and data from wiki based discussion forums, to develop insights for improving performance and remaining competitive.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to introduce the participants to Business Intelligence (BI) techniques and understand how to use them to gain insights into emerging social media technologies. We will cover techniques for analyzing and making sense of BIG DATA and how to deal with enormous volume, variety, and velocity of data being generated by social media. It will help you understand and deal with the PARADIGM SHIFT happening due to social media and to effectively develop actionable business insights to help your business innovate and grow.
Topics covered:
Topics to be covered may include metrics for measuring website effectiveness such as those provided by Google Analytics, understanding auction based mechanisms for online marketing ads, and measuring their effectiveness, Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics tools, as well as data visualizations for decision making. The course will also provide an understanding of business models for social media monetization. It will also cover emerging technologies such as QR codes and how to use them effectively in business.
You will be exposed to managerial, strategic and technical issues associated with developing and deploying Business Intelligence and Web Analytics Solutions. You will learn how to gather strategic decision making requirements from businesses, develop key performance indicators (KPIs) and corporate performance management metrics, understand how external sources of data (using Web 2.0 technologies and social media sites) can be harnessed to design and implement business dashboards.
Topics covered may include the principles of dimensional modeling, techniques for extraction of data (ETL) from source systems, data profiling, data transformation methods, data staging and quality, data warehouse implementation, online search engine optimization, online advertising, web metrics, and social media analytics.
Key Learning Points:
Participants may also learn how to use Social network analysis (SNA) techniques for visualizing, understanding, and gaining insights into emerging social media phenomena embodied by website sites such as Twitter, Facebook (social networking) and Yelp (reviews and recommendations). Specifically you will learn to build, visualize, and analyze networks using different kinds of datasets to understand how to harness social media effectively for business use. SNA is used for mapping and measuring relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge entities. SNA focuses on uncovering patterns in people's interactions as well diffusion of information on the web. SNA provides both a visual and a mathematical analysis of relationships using various network measures. These measures give us insight into the various roles and groupings in a network such as who are the connectors, mavens, leaders, bridges, isolates, where are the clusters and who is in them, who is in the core of the network, and who is on the periphery.
Target Group:
Anyone interested in implementing a BI program in their organization, including program and project managers, business and statistical analysts, and marketing directors. Prior BI experience is not needed.
Duration: 2-4 days – up to the required depth of coverage