Change Management
Course Objectives:
Today's competitive business environment requires an unprecedented degree of flexibility, creativity, and capacity to lead and manage change. In these turbulent times, you can't afford to try untested strategies. In this module, you will develop strategies for initiating and maintaining the course of change, for overcoming resistance and maximizing learning and innovative thinking, and for anticipating and dealing with the repercussions of change. An integral part of this module will require you to create and manage a change project that provides a platform through which you will apply the issues and concepts that are cover in this module. Project efforts and analyses will include (1) the nature of the change agreement, (2) the goals of the change, (3) the identification and management of key stakeholders, (4) the challenges faced as change agents, (5) your own and your client’s assessment of the relative success and failure of the change, and (6) the lessons learned in completing this leading change project.
You´ll learn to:
• Develop and clarify your organization's goals for change
• Increase your understanding of the nature of organizational change (through
conceptual frameworks, readings and discussions),
• Break through the mental boundaries that hinder creativity and innovative
• Increase your skill in managing change
• Facilitate how others cope with change and encourage active and willing
• Develop an action plan to apply program lessons to a change management
project you
are working on
Topics Covered:
• Leading change overview and change skills
• Creating a climate for change: Increase urgency, build guiding teams, getting
the vision right
• Engaging and enabling the whole organization: Communicate for buy-in,
enable action, create short-term wins
• Your leadership of change in action
• Implementing and sustaining change: Don't let up; make it stick
• Personally thriving on change
• Pulling it all together - change readiness
Target Group: managers at different levels preparing or managing change
Duration: 3 days