Strategic Financial Analysis for Credit Evaluation
Course Objectives:
Today's risky, ambiguous and customer-focused global business environment demands enhanced managerial skills to cope with the challenges of unrelenting competition. Your survival today depends on creating value for your customers, your shareholders, your employees and the larger community around you. Strategic Financial Analysis for Credit Evaluation is a “hands on” program to help global credit managers become more informed and better strategic users of financial statement information in making critical credit decisions. With the tools covered in this four-day program, global managers will be able to use financial statement information to evaluate a company’s corporate strategy, assess its financial performance, understand its critical measure its financial risk and make credit decisions about the amount and structure of a credit arrangement.
Topics Covered:
• Balance sheet, income and cash-flow statement
• Critical financial methods; financial statements, benchmarking
You´ll learn to:
• Understand and interpret information about a company’s performance from its balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows, and determine what actions can be taken to improve future performance
• Understand the impact of critical accounting methods on the interpretation of financial statement information
• Evaluate a company’s strategy and assess its capability for generate a sustainable competitive advantage that will be reflected in future earnings and cash flows
• Analyze a company’s financial statements and evaluate its financial performance over time and benchmark it against competitors
• Evaluate a growing business’s future cash flow requirements and plan financing policies appropriate to the needs of the business
• Generate pro forma financial statements for assessing future cash flows, earnings, default risk, and equity valuation
• Make decisions regarding the amount and structure of a possible credit arrangement with a business
Program Structure
Round 1: Participants will meet for three days of lecture/discussions, case studies, and group exercises. At the end of the three-day program participants will be assigned to teams to prepare a strategic credit analysis report for a specific company to be presented in Round 2.
Round 2: Participants will present their strategic credit analysis and the group will provide feedback on the report’s strengths and suggest areas for improvements.
Target Group: Credit managers
Duration: 4 days
Faculty: professor from prestigeous US EMBA program