Telecommunications Management

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Popis kurzu na míru Telecommunications Management

Training Overview: The aim of this training is to broaden the participant’s view of the modern Telecoms world and introduce then to the market functioning from a business perspective. The training will allow participants that have an interest in being involved to and related with this industry to develop an insight to the telecoms business realities, player relations and most important – to market directions and opportunities. The main topics will evolve around the structure of the telecommunications industry and around the latest market and business opportunities of the sector.



  • Understand the industry players and relations.
  • Market dynamics.
  • The current state of the sector.
  • The regulatory environment.
  • The functioning of competition.
  • The current outlook and market challenges.
  • Market opportunities.



  • Telecoms industry introduction.
  • Wireline Sector.
  • Wireless Sector.
  • Regulation in Telco.
  • Services and outlook analysis.
  • An analysis of the Czech market.
  • Opportunities in the Czech and CEE markets.


Training Methodology: 50% Theory, 50% Practical

This will be an interactive session, drawing from experience and prompting the participants to engage in discussions and analysis of case studies and the readings (provided by the trainer) as well as role-play activities carried out during the training.