Financial Management

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Finanční kurzy Kurzy na míru Obchodní dovednosti Manažerské kurzy
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Popis kurzu na míru Financial Management

Training Overview:  This training provides extensive insight into corporate finance, enabling the participants to apply their knowledge in a realistic setting, where the dynamics of financial markets confront the realities of making financial decisions on behalf of a business. Various models are introduced and discussed as are their strengths and weaknesses.



  • Evaluate a firm’s financial performance on the basis of key information supplied in the financial statements.
  • Critically reflect on financial markets.
  • The importance of interest rates for raising capital.
  • Learn how to apply capital budgeting techniques in evaluating investment opportunities.
  • Understand the use of various types of financial instruments.
  • Differentiate among various securities and apply methods for their evaluation.
  • Determine how much a company should borrow in order to finance short-term and long-term operations (and evaluate the various sources of borrowing).



  • Valuation of the enterprise.
  • Risk/return models (Capital Asset Pricing Model, Efficient Market Theory, CAL).
  • Diversification (portfolio risk, standard deviation, index choices).
  • Capital budgeting (present value/net present value, setting discount rates).
  • Behavioral Finance (methods of analysis).
  • Cost of capital (WACC, Debt vs. Capital).
  • Dividend policy (payout policies, stock repurchase).
  • Analyzing financial statements.


Training Methodology: 50% Theory, 50% Practical

This will be an interactive session, drawing from experience and prompting the participants to engage in discussions and analysis of case studies and the readings (provided by the trainer) as well as role-play activities carried out during the training.