Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

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Popis kurzu na míru Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Training Overview: This training is designed to give participants an understanding of contemporary applications, issues, debates and challenges concerning the various means of resolving disputes. The focus will be on alternative dispute resolution (ADR). We will examine the two main types of ADR: mediation and arbitration. We will also contrast ADR with litigation as approaches to problem-solving and resolving conflicts. We will then turn our attention to using negotiation skills as a means of problem-solving and doing business.


  • Fundamental principles underlying conflict resolution.
  • Negotiation principles.
  • Mediation principles.
  • Experience the acts of resolving conflicts using multiple techniques.


  • Introduction to dispute resolution.
  • Preventing problems before they occur.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
  • Conflict and theories of conflict.
  • The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MTI) personality types and skills.
  • Negotiation skills, constraints and dynamics of the negotiation process.
  • Mediation skills applied in a simulated mediation experience.
  • Practical applications of dispute resolution and negotiation in business.

Training Methodology: 50% Theory, 50% Practical

This will be an interactive session, drawing from experience and prompting the participants to engage in discussions and analysis of case studies and the readings (provided by the trainer) as well as role-play activities carried out during the training.